Sensing Technology: A Game-Changer for Children Living with Diabetes

Sensing Technology: A Game-Changer for Children Living with Diabetes

By Maya du Plessis, Registered Dietitian

Understanding the Challenges of Managing Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Children living with type 1 diabetes face constant fluctuations in their glucose levels throughout the day and night. Managing these fluctuations, especially in a school setting, can be extremely challenging and stressful for the children, their families, and their teachers.

The Role of Sensing Technology in Diabetes Management

Thanks to advances in technology, wearable sensing devices are now available for individuals with type 1 diabetes. These small, discreet sensors, about the size of a R5 coin, can be placed on the back of the upper arm and measure glucose levels every minute without the need for fingersticks. In my practice, I have witnessed how the FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitor has significantly improved the quality of life for children living with diabetes.

Benefits of Continuous Glucose Monitoring

The continuous monitoring of glucose levels is transformative for school-aged children with type 1 diabetes, as well as for their parents, teachers, and healthcare providers. The vast amount of data collected by these sensors promotes a better understanding of how and why glucose levels fluctuate. This understanding empowers individuals to make more accurate and effective management decisions.

Real-Time Monitoring and Data Accessibility

Sensing technology enables children to quickly and painlessly check their glucose levels, often without anyone else noticing, as the sensor can be scanned over clothing. Teachers can easily monitor the child's glucose levels and watch for any dangerous highs or lows. Parents can remotely track their child’s glucose levels via the LibreLinkUp app, providing peace of mind.

Enhanced Participation in Daily Activities

With sensing technology, children with type 1 diabetes can safely participate in sports and enjoy more freedom in making independent food choices. This technology also allows healthcare providers, including paediatricians and endocrinologists, to remotely monitor glucose data, enabling them to make more informed and personalised treatment decisions.

Improved Glucose Control and Long-Term Health Benefits

Research has shown that sensing technology can significantly improve glucose control. Maintaining adequate glucose levels can lead to a long, healthy life for individuals with type 1 diabetes. Moreover, proper glucose management helps prevent diabetes-related complications, which can save the healthcare system and medical aids substantial amounts of money. This relief is particularly crucial for the overburdened and under-resourced healthcare system in South Africa.

Challenges in Accessibility

Unfortunately, not all children with type 1 diabetes in South Africa have the financial means to access sensing technology. Currently, only a few medical aids, such as Discovery and Bonitas, cover these costs for children. It's important for parents to consult their healthcare professional and medical aid provider for more information. My hope is that one day, all children with type 1 diabetes in South Africa will have access to this life-changing technology.


Sensing technology represents a significant advancement in the management of type 1 diabetes, offering numerous benefits for children and their caregivers. From improving glucose control and understanding to enhancing participation in daily activities and sports, the impact of these devices is profound. As a registered dietitian passionate about supporting children with type 1 diabetes, I advocate for greater accessibility and awareness of the benefits of sensing technology. Together, we can work towards a future where every child with type 1 diabetes can live a healthier, more independent life.

About Maya du Plessis

Maya du Plessis is a registered dietitian at Imagine Dietitians in Stellenbosch. She is dedicated to guiding children with type 1 diabetes and their families through the intricate dietary practices needed to manage blood sugar levels. She works with children both in hospital and as outpatients. Her passion for helping children extends beyond her daily work as she is also pursuing a master's degree focusing on the nutritional management of children with type 1 diabetes.

Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended for medical diagnosis or treatment or as a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your physician or qualified health provider regarding your condition and appropriate medical treatment. Individual symptoms, situations, and circumstances may vary.

© 2023 Abbott. The sensor housing, FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott. Abbott Laboratories S.A. (Pty) Ltd, Abbott Place, 219 Golf Club Terrace, Constantia Kloof, 1709. Tel: (011) 858-2000. Fax: (011) 858 2137. ADC-83945 V1 Oct 2023


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