Before CPR: be prepared and call emergency services
Be prepared for emergencies by learning about first aid and keeping a list of emergency numbers in your mobile or on the fridge.
Remove baby and yourself from any danger. If your baby is unconscious, not responding or seems to be breathing abnormally, call an ambulance.
First CPR steps: airway and breathing

Check baby's mouth for airway blockages – for example, tongue, food, vomit or blood. If there’s a blockage, use your little finger to clear it. Place baby on his back with his head in a neutral position to open his airway.

If there are no blockages and/or you’ve cleared blockages, check for breathing. Listen for the sound of the breath, look for movements of the chest or feel for the breath on your cheek.

Baby breathing normally? Place him in the recovery position on his side with his head tilted down. Check baby regularly for breathing and responses until the ambulance arrives.
Baby not breathing? Baby not responding or baby breathing abnormally? Start CPR.
Next CPR steps: chest compressions and rescue breaths

Put two fingers in the centre of baby’s chest and give 30 compressions at a rate of about 100-120 compressions per minute. Each compression should depress the chest by about one third.

Hold baby’s head so that her chin doesn’t drop down. Take a breath and seal baby’s mouth and nose with your mouth. Blow gently and watch for the chest to rise. Take another breath with your head turned towards baby’s chest and listen or feel air leaving the chest. Repeat.

Keep giving 30 compressions followed by 2 breaths until medical help arrives. If baby starts breathing normally and responding, turn her into the recovery position. Keep watching her breathing and be ready to start CPR again at any time.
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