This DIY project is very simple to make and doesn’t require that many materials. We used a square box, but this project can be done with an extra shoebox you have around the home. The mailbox takes less than an hour to make and is the perfect home for all your Valentines. Let’s get crafting!
What You’ll Need
- 1 medium-sized box with lid
- Craft knife
- Paint (yellow and black)
- Paintbrushes
- Red felt
- Hot glue
- Yellow paper
- Scissors
How To Make It

- Use a craft knife to cut an opening in the center of the box lid. Make sure it is large enough for envelopes.
- Paint the box with yellow. Let dry completely.
- Use black paint to paint Winnie the Pooh’s face on a side of the box. Let dry completely.
- Cut a piece of red felt and hot glue it to the bottom half of the box.
- Cut two semi-circles out of yellow paper and glue them to the upper corners of the box to form Winnie the Pooh’s ears.
- Fill with Valentines and enjoy!
All cutting should be done by an adult.