How to Make Sparkly Moon Rocks for Kids

How to Make Sparkly Moon Rocks for Kids - 4aKid

How to Make Sparkly Moon Rocks for Kids

If you're looking for a fun and educational activity to do with your kids, making sparkly moon rocks is a great option. Not only is it an enjoyable craft project, but it also teaches children about the moon and space. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to make your own sparkly moon rocks.

Materials Needed

Before starting, gather all the necessary materials. Here's what you'll need:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup used coffee grounds
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1/4 cup water
  • Food coloring
  • Glitter
  • Mixing bowl
  • Baking sheet
  • Parchment paper
  • Paintbrushes

Step 1: Mix the Ingredients

In a mixing bowl, combine the flour, used coffee grounds, and salt. Mix well until all ingredients are combined.

Step 2: Add Water and Food Coloring

Add 1/4 cup of water to the mixture and stir until the dough becomes moist. Add a few drops of food coloring to the mixture until you reach the desired color.

Step 3: Add Glitter

Add glitter to the mixture and mix well until the glitter is evenly distributed throughout the dough. The more glitter you add, the more sparkly your moon rocks will be.

Step 4: Shape the Dough

Take small pieces of the dough and shape them into balls. Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Step 5: Add Texture

Use paintbrushes or your fingers to add texture to the moon rocks. You can create craters, ridges, and bumps to make them look like real moon rocks.

Step 6: Let Them Dry

Let the moon rocks dry for 24-48 hours. Once they are completely dry, they will harden and become more durable.

Step 7: Play and Learn

Now it's time to play and learn! Your kids can use the moon rocks for various activities, such as:

  • Pretend play: Your kids can use the moon rocks to pretend they are astronauts exploring the moon.
  • Science experiments: Your kids can use the moon rocks to learn about gravity, the moon's surface, and more.
  • Sensory play: Your kids can use the moon rocks for sensory play by feeling the texture, smelling the coffee, and exploring the glitter.


Making sparkly moon rocks is a fun and educational activity that your kids will enjoy. It's easy to do and requires minimal materials, making it a great option for a rainy day or a playdate with friends. Use this guide to make your own sparkly moon rocks and watch your kids' imaginations take flight!


Can I use instant coffee instead of used coffee grounds?

Yes, you can use instant coffee instead of used coffee grounds. However, used coffee grounds give the moon rocks a more realistic texture.

Can I use regular salt instead of sea salt?

Yes, you can use regular salt instead of sea salt. Sea salt just adds a bit more texture to the dough.

Can I make the moon rocks without glitter?

Yes, you can make the moon rocks without glitter. However, adding glitter makes them more sparkly and fun to play with.

Can I use a different type of food coloring?

Yes, you can use any type of food coloring you like. Gel food coloring works well and gives the moon rocks a more vibrant color.

How long do the moon rocks last?

The moon rocks can last for several months if stored in an airtight container.


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