10 ways to get your kids unplugged from devices and outside

10 ways to get your kids unplugged from devices and outside - 4aKid

In today's digital age, it can be a challenge to get kids away from their devices and engaged in outdoor activities. However, spending time outside is crucial for their physical and mental well-being. If you're looking for ways to encourage your kids to unplug from devices and enjoy the outdoors, here are ten strategies to try.

1. Lead by Example

Children often mimic the behavior they see in their parents or caregivers. Show your kids the importance of spending time outdoors by setting an example yourself. Put down your own devices and spend time outdoors engaging in activities you enjoy. Whether it's gardening, going for a walk, or playing a sport, let your kids see your enthusiasm for outdoor activities.

2. Create a Device-Free Zone or Time

Designate specific areas or times in your home that are device-free. For example, you can establish a rule that meal times, family gatherings, or certain rooms in the house are device-free zones. This encourages conversation, interaction, and allows for quality time together without the distractions of screens.

3. Plan Outdoor Adventures

Make outdoor activities exciting and appealing by planning fun adventures. Organize family hikes, bike rides, picnics, or trips to local parks. Get your kids involved in the planning process and let them choose the activities they're interested in. By creating anticipation and excitement, you'll increase their enthusiasm for outdoor adventures.

4. Provide Outdoor Toys and Equipment

Equip your backyard or outdoor space with toys and equipment that encourage active play. Install a swing set, set up a basketball hoop, or provide outdoor games like badminton, frisbee, or soccer. Having these options readily available makes it easier for your kids to choose outdoor activities over screen time.

5. Offer Incentives and Rewards

Motivate your kids to spend time outside by offering incentives and rewards. Create a reward system where they can earn points or stickers for every hour spent outdoors. Accumulated points can then be exchanged for special privileges, treats, or small rewards. This gamification approach can make outdoor time more exciting and engaging.

6. Get Involved in Community Activities

Check your local community for outdoor events and activities that cater to families. Look for nature hikes, community sports leagues, or outdoor festivals. By participating in these events, your children can interact with peers and enjoy the outdoors in a social setting. It's also an excellent opportunity for them to discover new interests and hobbies.

7. Encourage Creative Outdoor Play

Encourage your kids to engage in imaginative play outdoors. Provide them with materials like chalk, jump ropes, or hula hoops. Encourage them to build forts, create nature-based art, or engage in role-playing games. This type of play stimulates their creativity and makes outdoor time fun and captivating.

8. Make Yard Work a Family Activity

Transform yard work into a collaborative and enjoyable family activity. Involve your children in gardening, raking leaves, or planting flowers. Explain the importance of taking care of the environment and the satisfaction that comes with nurturing plants. This hands-on experience connects them with nature and fosters a sense of responsibility.

9. Limit Screen Time and Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries regarding screen time and communicate them to your children. Set specific limits on the amount of time they can spend on devices each day and be consistent in enforcing these boundaries. Encourage them to find alternative activities outside of screens and provide options to keep them engaged and entertained.

10. Make Outdoor Time Fun and Interactive

Lastly, make outdoor time enjoyable and interactive. Play games like scavenger hunts, organize family-friendly sports competitions, or go on nature walks. Incorporate elements of fun, learning, and exploration to make outdoor activities more enticing for your kids.


Getting kids to unplug from devices and spend time outside may require some effort and creativity, but the benefits are well worth it. By leading by example, creating device-free zones, planning outdoor adventures, and providing incentives, you can encourage your kids to embrace the outdoors and experience the joys of being unplugged. Remember to make outdoor time fun, interactive, and engaging to capture their interest and create lasting memories.


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