42 Proven Ways to Improve Your Mood

42 Proven Ways to Improve Your Mood - 4aKid

Need a pick-me-up? This infographic by TitleMax.com provides 42 tips for improving your mood backed by scientific studies and research. Habits you can develop include getting quality sleep, exercising more, volunteering in natural settings, consuming omega-3 fatty acids, petting a dog or cat, reflecting on daily positives, recording gratitude, and deep breathing. Even simple actions such as admiring flowers and enjoying the scent of citrus can boost happy emotions.

42 Scientifically Proven Ways to Improve Your Mood

Irma Wallace
Co-founder and Vice President of SearchRank, responsible for many of the day to day operations of the company. She is also founder of The Arizona Builders' Zone, a construction / home improvement portal.

Source https://infographicjournal.com/


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