Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

Research-Based Parenting Strategies for Children with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism - 4aKid

Parenting System That Reduces Meltdowns, Tantrums, Low-Frustration Tolerance, School-Related Behavior Problems, Sensory Sensitivities, Aggression, Social-Skills Deficits, and much more...

With this parenting toolkit, you will finally be able to manage your child's meltdowns, tantrums, attention difficulties, behavior problems at home and school, picky eating, problems completing homework, rigid thinking, rituals and obsessions, sensory sensitivities, sleep problems, social skills deficits, verbal and physical aggression ...and much more!


  • From the Office of Mark Hutten, M.A., Counseling Psychologist and Founder of Online Parent Support, LLC

    Dear Parents,

    In this researched-based parenting program, you'll receive my eBook, which comes in 4 parts:

    Part 1: The Comprehensive Handbook on Parenting Children on the Autism Spectrum

    There are hundreds of critical parenting strategies covered in this Handbook that will help you deal effectively with: Sleep Problems, Picky Eating, Behavior Problems, School Refusal, School-Related Behavioral Problems, Rituals and Obsessions, Completing School Assignments On Time, Sensory Issues, Rigidity in Thought and Behavior, Language Difficulties, Attention Difficulties, and much more.

    Part 2: How to Stop Meltdowns and Tantrums in Children with Asperger’s (AS) and High-Functioning Autism (HFA)

    In this section, you will learn how to handle situations in which your child becomes overwhelmed due to sensory-overload, low-frustration tolerance, and anxiety – all of which can result in a meltdown. You will also learn the specific techniques needed to deal with tantrums in children on the autism spectrum.  And perhaps most importantly, you will learn to distinguish the difference between a meltdown and a tantrum, because the strategies needed for dealing with these two issues are completely different.

    Part 3: Teaching Social Skills and Emotion Management

    This section contains information on: how to help your child control his “out-of-control” emotions, using social stories to teach social skills, social anxiety, making and keeping friends, communication skills, the Loneliness Factor, coping with stress, anger-control contracts, promoting Social Reciprocity, backward chaining (a cure for task-frustration), eliminating thinking errors, and resistance to change.

    Part 4: Unraveling the Mystery behind Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism

    This audio book is designed to help parents understand every aspect of the autism disorder. The simple, yet highly effective strategies discussed will help parents cope with - and manage - their child’s behavioral and emotional needs. Drawing on case studies and personal accounts from extensive clinical experience and from correspondence with children and teens on the spectrum, this audio book is both authoritative and extremely accessible. Some of the issues that will be discussed in the audio book include: emotional problems and sensory sensitivities, difficulties with school-related skills, issues related to health and movement, social skills deficits, behavioral problems, and deficits in linguistic and language development.

    Bonus 1: In addition to the audio book, you will also receive “Parenting Defiant Asperger's Teens,” which is a 45-minute audio recording of my workshop that has helped thousands of parents who have dealt with defiant, out-of-control teen behavior. Recorded during my LIVE presentation, this audio course will guide you through a series of parenting strategies that are specific to Asperger’s and High-Functioning Autism in adolescence. This information is empowering and has changed the lives of entire families across the globe.

    Bonus 2: But that’s not all, in addition to the eBooks, the audio book, and the audio recording of my workshop, you will also have access to me, Mark Hutten, M.A., as your personal parent coach for one entire month. This coaching service costs others $49.00 – but with your purchase here today, you get it for FREE.

    Here's to a better home environment,

    Mark Hutten, M.A.


    About the Author: 
    Mark Hutten, M.A. is the executive director of Online Parent Support, LLC. He is a practicing counseling psychologist and parent-coach with more than 20 years’ experience. He has worked with hundreds of children and teenagers with Asperger's and High-Functioning Autism (HFA), and presents workshops and runs training courses for parents and professionals who deal with Asperger's and HFA. Also, Mark is a prolific author of articles and eBooks on the subject.

Become an expert in helping your child cope with his or her  â€śout-of-control” emotions, inability to make and keep friends, stress, anger, thinking errors, and resistance to change.


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