Sleepy Sprinkles and Dudu Drops Baby Sleep Guide
What are Sleepy Sprinkles or Dudu Drops?
Feelgood Health Sleepy Sprinkles or Dudu Drops are natural, safe and effective homeopathic remedies to help babies and children to sleep better. Natural, safe and effective homeopathic remedy to relax babies or toddlers, and support peaceful sleep.
Sleepy Sprinkles is a safe and effective 100% homeopathic remedy formulated by a Clinical Psychologist to gently support relaxation and induce a state of drowsiness in infants from newborn to 12 months.
Du Du Drops is a safe and effective homeopathic remedy specially formulated by a Clinical Psychologist to calm and relax toddlers and young children and induce a state of drowsiness. Use from 1 year up. (Note Babies 0 – 12 months use Sleepy Sprinkles)
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Enjoy reading this helpful baby sleep guide about Dudu Drops and Sleepy Sprinkles natural remedies for your baby, toddler or child.