I-Easter Egg Bath Bombs

Easter Egg Bath Bombs - 4aKid

Amabhomu okugeza amaqanda e-Easter kulula ukwenza futhi wenze izipho ezimangalisayo ezenziwe ekhaya.

Isifundo: Ibhomu Lokugeza
Izinkonzo : 8
Umbhali : Robin Gagnon


  • 1 inkomishi yokubhaka soda
  • 1/2 indebe citric acid
  • 1/3 indebe ye -corn starch
  • 1/2 indebe ye -Epsom usawoti
  • 1 isipuni samafutha e-almond
  • 1 tsp amanzi
  • 1/2 tsp amafutha abalulekile Ngisebenzise 1/4 tsp lavender & 1/4 tsp orange*
  • umbala wokudla
  • glitter ozikhethela
  • amaqanda epulasitiki asetshenziswa njengesikhunta


    1. Hlanganisa kahle izithako ezomile.
    2. Hlanganisa amafutha e-almond, amanzi kanye namafutha abalulekile ndawonye esitsheni esincane.
    3. Faka ingxube emanzi kowomile, futhi uhlanganise kahle kakhulu.
    4. Hlukanisa zibe izitsha ezi-5 bese umboza ngayinye ngepulasitiki yokugoqa ngokushesha (hlanganisa yome ngokushesha). Isitsha esisodwa ngesikhathi sengeza amaconsi angu-6-8 ombala wokudla futhi uhlanganise kahle kakhulu. Phinda ngokushesha lapho kuxutshwe. (onsomi benziwe ngamaconsi angu-5 abomvu & 3 aluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka)
    5. Hlukanisa amaqanda epulasitiki, uma usebenzisa i-glitter ufafaze kancane phakathi. Ezinye izingqimba zengxube enemibala ohlangothini ngalunye lweqanda bese ucindezela ingxube ngobumnene. Yenza ungqimba lokugcina ohlangothini ngalunye lube nombala ofanayo. Phezulu kolunye uhlangothi ngokulinganayo, kanti enye kufanele igcwale kancane. Cindezela ndawonye futhi uhlanganise iqanda ndawonye.
    6. Shiya amaqanda esikhunjeni isikhathi esingangehora, bese ususa amaqanda epulasitiki ngokucophelela. Ukushutheka ummese omncane wekhishi emthungoni bese ugijima eduze kwawo ukuze uhlukanise kuyasiza.
    7. Beka ngobumnene amabhomu okugeza amaqanda ithawula noma amathawula wephepha bese ushiya okungenani amahora ambalwa ukuze ome.
    8. Beka iqanda elingu-1 kubhavu ofudumele ozolisebenzisa.

Joyina Incwadi Yethu Yezindaba Yobuciko Nemisebenzi Yezandla Yezingane


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