Iresiphi Yenhlama Ephephile Yefu Elula Yengane Encane Ijabulisa Izinzwa

Easy Toddler-Safe Cloud Dough Recipe is Sensory Fun - 4aKid
Inhlama yamafu ithandeka kakhulu uma uyithinta, izingane zizothanda ukufaka izandla zazo emgqonyeni wenhlama yamafu ethambile, zikhama futhi zilolonge inhlama futhi ziyibukele ibhidlika lapho ziyibuyisela emgqonyeni.

Ibhulogi yakamuva Iresiphi Yenhlama Yengane Ephephile Ephephile Ijabulisa Izinzwa isilungele ukufundwa ku-inthanethi lapha

Landela izinyathelo ezilula ukuthi ungayenza kanjani inhlama yamafu ngale recipe elula yezithako ezi-2 zenhlama yamafu. Le nhlama yamafu iphephile encane ngoba yenziwa ngaphandle kwamafutha ezingane noma isitashi sombila. Ungayifaka umbala ngesithako sesithathu esingenabo ubuthi okwenza ifaneleke ukusetshenziswa emigqonyeni yezinzwa noma njengokudlala kwezinzwa.

Inhlama yamafu ithandeka kakhulu uma uyithinta, izingane zizothanda ukufaka izandla zazo emgqonyeni wenhlama yamafu ethambile, zikhama futhi zilolonge inhlama futhi ziyibukele ibhidlika lapho ziyibuyisela emgqonyeni. Ngizobheja nawe ngeke ukwazi ukukhipha izandla zakho kukho! Kuwo wonke amaresiphi enziwe ekhaya enhlama esiwasebenzisa ekunakekelweni kwasemini, i-Cloud Dough ingenye yezintandokazi zezingane.

Okuthunyelwe Iresiphi Elula Yenhlama Yefu Lengane Ephephile Ijabulisa Izinzwa kuvele kuqala Kubhulogi Yemisebenzi Yezingane. ************ Engu-100s Yemisebenzi Elula & Ejabulisayo Yezingane Ezisacathula, Imisebenzi Yasendlini Nangaphandle, Imisebenzi Yengane Yasendlini, Imisebenzi Yezingane, Inhlama Yemidlalo, Imisebenzi Yesikole Sojahidada, Izinto Ezokwenziwa Nezingane, inhlama yamafu, Inhlama, inhlama yokudlala , ukudlala kwengane


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