Live-Wire – Because Even SUPER-MOM needs help sometimes!

Live-Wire – Because Even SUPER-MOM needs help sometimes! - 4aKid

Just how much can a person do in one day? 

Just how much can a person do in one day?  There is a bionic power that seems to enter parents (dare I say, especially moms) the moment they have a child.  BUT add a bit of sleep deprivation, job demands, maybe a small lurgy or any of life’s curveballs to the mix and even Super-Mom needs help! 

Lives today are dizzyingly demanding. The American Institute of Stress (AIS) reports that a whopping 83% of the collective workforce suffer from work-related stress. Women are particularly susceptible to constant anxiety and tension due to the added responsibility of managing households and children. 

Unfortunately, the ‘small’ world we all live in has the family support base of older relatives with the time, skills and care to give all too often able to offer only what support can be given on a WhatsApp chat.  We need REAL help. Real skills and all too often, a real shoulder to cry on.

Good News!  A unique South-Africa based start-up has just launched its website and App platforms offering the perfect solution! Live Wire will connect you with helpers in your area who are multi-skilled, mature, experienced and caring.  ALL workers on Live Wire are over 40 years of age, so are mature and experienced helpers.  

What exactly do YOU need help with? 

You can hire help in a number of daily chores such as Babysitting, Tutoring, Fetching and Carrying, Gardening, Nursing, Caregiving, DIY, Cooking, Baking, Pet walking, Animal care, Administrative assistance etc.  The full list is on the website.

Live-Wire – Because Even SUPER-MOM needs help sometimes!

It is EASY to use LIVE WIRE.

  1. Download the app for FREE on
  2. Register on the website or on the android or iOS App.
  3. Post what you are looking for. It can be hourly work or a project.
  4. Workers with the skills you require will be able to apply for the position.
  5. You may communicate with applicants via livewire chat to ensure that you hire the perfect candidate.
  6. You are NOT obliged to hire any of the applicants.

The fact that putting their time, skills and energy to productive and gainful use makes the people you hire as happy as they make you, is the cherry on top of why this platform is just what we all need.

In the words of Founder, Jacqueline Baldwin, “Live Wire is a modern tool that rekindles the ‘good old days’ where community and support through the ages and stages of life results in a happier life for all!”

Contact or visit for more information.







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