Into engu-#1 ecekela phansi Ukulala Kwengane Yakho

The #1 Thing Destroying Your Kid’s Sleep - 4aKid

Uma ingane yakho ikhathele futhi ihlanya ekuseni, kungenzeka kungenxa yokuthi Into engu-#1 Ebhubhisa Ukulala Kwengane Yakho ubuchwepheshe!

Cishe amaphesenti angu-70 ezingane anedivayisi okungenani eyodwa yobuchwepheshe ekamelweni lazo, futhi izingane ezishiya idivayisi ivuliwe ebusuku zingalali, zilahlekelwe isilinganiso sehora elilodwa lokulala ngobusuku ngabunye, ngokocwaningo lwe- National Sleep Foundation.

UJill Creighton, MD, uprofesa osizayo wezifo zezingane eStony Brook Children's Hospital eStony Brook, eNew York, utshela i-Rodale News ukuthi kuwumthwalo wemfanelo womzali ukusetha iphimbo nokuphoqelela imithetho uma kuziwa ekusebenziseni ubuchwepheshe. Abazali badinga ukuhola ngesibonelo, ngakho-ke isinyathelo sokuqala ukwazi ukuthi ubheka kangaki ifoni yakho nezinye izisetshenziswa kusihlwa. Ngokusekela intshisekelo enkulu kubuchwepheshe bakho, uzoqinisekisa ukwethembeka okwengeziwe ekusetheni umthetho wokuthi "amadivayisi avaliwe" wezingane, uyanezela. Futhi ngenxa yalokho, nonke nizoba nobusuku obuningi bokuphumula futhi nilale kangcono futhi isikhathi eside.


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