Inyama Eyosiwe Esheshayo Namazambane Agazingiwe kanye Nezaqathi

Quick Roast Beef with Roasted Potatoes and Carrots - 4aKid

Kulula ukwenza futhi uhlale uyintandokazi yomndeni!

  • isikhathi sokulungiselela 20 min
  • isikhathi esiphelele 20 min
  • isebenzela 4


  • 1 Tbsp yenkomo eyomile ye-Oxo powder
  • 1 inkomishi yamanzi
  • I-900 g yenkomo yenkomo eyosiwe (ingenamathambo futhi inqunywe)
  • 1 tsp i-garlic powder
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • 7 amazambane aphakathi
  • I-1 pkg (454g) izaqathe zezingane eziwashisiwe futhi ezicwetshiwe


1. Shisisa ihhavini ku-350F.

2. Fafaza i-Oxo powder phansi epanini elikhulu lokuthosa. Engeza amanzi ugovuze.

3. Phenya i-roast, uhlangothi olunamafutha phansi bese wenza izingcezu eziyi-intshi engu-½ intshi ¾ yendlela eya phansi, ukusuka phezulu kuye phansi, ushiye indawo enamafutha iphelele. Vula uhlangothi lwamafutha osiwe phezulu.

4. Faka epanini elikhulu lokuthosa phezu kwengxube ye-Oxo bese ufafaza okuthosiwe kuzo zonke izinhlangothi ngezinongo.

5. Khuhla amazambane. Sika sibe ngamakota.

6. Hlela amazambane azungeze okugazingiwe kanye nezaqathi zezingane.

7. Bhaka kuhhavini oshisayo cishe ihora elingu-1.

Funda okwengeziwe ku -

Joyina Incwadi Yethu Yamaresiphi


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