Iresiphi ye-Quiche Eyisisekelo (Noma Iyiphi I-Flavour!)

Basic Quiche Recipe (Any Flavor!) - 4aKid
Sebenzisa le recipe eyisisekelo ye-quiche njengesisekelo sayo yonke indalo yakho yeqanda elibhakiwe! Ugcwele amaqanda athambile, ushizi oncibilikisiwe, futhi unokuxuba okuningi nezengezo zemeshi, awukwazi ukungahambi kahle.

Ibhulogi yakamuva Iresiphi Ye-Quiche Eyisisekelo (Noma Iyiphi I-Flavour!) isilungele ukufundwa ku-inthanethi lapha

Sebenzisa le recipe eyisisekelo ye-quiche njengesisekelo sayo yonke indalo yakho yeqanda elibhakiwe! Egcwele amaqanda athambile, ushizi oncibilikisiwe, futhi efaka imiksi eningi nezengezo zemeshi, ngeke wenze iphutha. Uzofakani kweyakho?

I-Quiche isidlo esiphundu esiqukethe uqweqwe lwekhekhe eligcwele ingxube yamaqanda, ubisi noma ukhilimu, kanye nezinhlobonhlobo zezithako ezinjengoshizi, imifino kanye nenyama. Ngokuvamile kubhakwa esitsheni sikaphayi noma epanini le-tart futhi kuphakelwa kushisa noma kufudumele. I-Quiche iyinketho ethandwayo yokudla kwasekuseni, kwasemini, noma isidlo sakusihlwa, futhi ingakhonzwa njengenkambo eyinhloko noma njengesitsha esiseceleni. Kunezinhlobonhlobo eziningi ze-quiche, kufaka phakathi i-quiche Lorraine, eyenziwe nge-bacon kanye noshizi we-Gruyère, nesipinashi kanye ne-mushroom quiche. I-Quiche iyisidlo esishintshashintshashintshayo esingashintshwa kalula ukuze sivumelane nezinto ezithandwayo nezithandwayo. Okuthunyelwe Iresiphi Ye-Quiche Eyisisekelo (Noma Iyiphi I-Flavour!) ivele kuqala ************ Ukudla kwasekuseni


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