Iresiphi Yephayi Lomalusi

Shepherd’s Pie Recipe - 4aKid
Ibhulogi yakamuva Iresiphi Yephayi likaMalusi isilungele ukufundwa ku-inthanethi lapha Le recipe ye-Shepherd's Pie inhle kakhulu futhi izoba intandokazi yomndeni ngokushesha! Inenhliziyo, iyamnandi, iyamnandi futhi inothile. Futhi, ungayishintsha noma nini ukuze uyenze ilingane nomndeni wakho. Asinayo iresiphi kuphela, kodwa nomlando othile wephayi likamalusi. UPHIWE LWELUSI Uphaya kamelusi umnandi... Okuthunyelwe Iresiphi Yophayi Womalusi ivele kuqala Kubhulogi Yemisebenzi Yezingane. ************ Imibono Yesidlo Sakusihlwa Esilula,Amaresiphi Alungele Izingane,Imisebenzi Yezingane,imibono elula yesidlo sakusihlwa,uphaya womalusi we-vegan,ukwenziwa kanjani uphaya womalusi,iresiphi yophaya bakaMalusi,uphaya wabelusi,uphaya womalusi we-vegan, Uyini uphaya womalusi


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