Debunking the Myth: Teething Causes High Fevers

Debunking the Myth: Teething Causes High Fevers

It is a popular myth that teething babies often experience high fevers. However, this belief is not accurate and can be potentially risky. If your baby has a fever, it is essential to address it properly and not simply assume it is due to teething. Turn to Panado® to help break your child's fever safely.

Understanding Teething

Teething is a natural process that typically occurs in babies aged between six and 30 months, lasting about two years. It is often a source of parental concern, with many unrelated illnesses mistakenly blamed on teething despite limited scientific proof to support these beliefs.

Signs of Teething in Babies

While some babies sail through teething effortlessly, others find it a trying period. Every baby experiences teething differently, and the symptoms can vary widely. Common signs of teething include drooling, fussiness, the urge to bite or suck on objects, and refusing food. These symptoms can persist for days or even months as a new tooth emerges through the gums.

Teething and Fevers: Separating Fact from Fiction

Research indicates that teething might cause a mildly raised temperature (still under 38°C). However, it is not typically the cause of high fevers (over 38°C), nor does it cause coughs, stuffy noses, sleep troubles, rashes (other than facial rashes), vomiting, or more frequent nappy changes due to diarrhoea.

Managing Teething Discomfort

While teething can be uncomfortable for your baby, there are effective ways to manage your child’s pain. Panado®’s paediatric range offers several options to help ease teething discomfort:

  • Peppermint flavoured syrup in convenient 5ml sachets.
  • Strawberry flavoured syrup.
  • Peppermint flavoured alcohol and sugar-free syrup.
  • Peppermint flavoured infant drops with a dosage dropper.
  • Grape flavoured syrup, which is colourant-free, tartrazine-free, alcohol-free, and sugar-free.

Safe Administration

Always use a medicine measure or a syringe to administer the correct dose. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Dosage details can be found at Panado Dosage Calculator and are calculated according to your child's age and weight.

Trusted Relief with Panado®

Parents trust Panado® to fight their little one’s pain and provide fast relief when needed most. Panado® products are available at Baby City, Pick n Pay, Checkers (including Hypers), Shoprite, Clicks, Dis-Chem, and Independent Pharmacies. For more information, visit Panado and join the conversations on Facebook.


While teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents, it is crucial to understand that high fevers and many other symptoms are not typically caused by teething. Proper management of your child's discomfort with trusted products like Panado® can help ensure a smoother teething process. Always consult your healthcare provider if you are concerned about your child’s symptoms.


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