Inhlanzi namaChips Recipe

Classic Fish and Chips Recipe
Ibhulogi yakamuva Iresiphi Yezinhlanzi namaChips isilungele ukufundwa ku-inthanethi lapha Inhlanzi namaChips Recipe Lezi Zinhlanzi namaChips zi-crispy, zinambitheka futhi zimnandi. Idili langempela! Zihlanganise ne-tartar sauce noma uviniga we-malt. Izimbangi noma iyiphi iresiphi yenhlanzi yokudlela nama-chips! Lokhu cishe iresiphi yami yezinhlanzi nama-chips engiyithandayo yesikhathi sonke! Sasihlala endaweni yaseSan Francisco Bay futhi sasithola izinhlanzi ezintsha kanye… FUNDA: Iresiphi yezinhlanzi nama-Chips ************ Imizuzu engu-30 Yokudla, Isidlo sakusihlwa, Inhlanzi, Ukudla kwasolwandle


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