Ikhofi Eliphehliwe - I-Dalgona Trend

Whipped Coffee - Dalgona Trend - 4aKid

Uma kukhulunywa ngekhofi, abantu bakhethekile kakhulu ngokuncamelayo. Abanye bathanda inkomishi yabo ye-joe emnyama, kanti ngakolunye uhlangothi lwe-spectrum, abanye ngeke bazinze lutho ngaphansi kwe-concoction yakamuva yekhofi ephefumulelwe i-barista. Isitayela sakamuva ekusetshenzisweni kwe-java ikhofi eliphehliwe, elaziwa nangokuthi ikhofi ye-dalgona.

Iresiphi eyisisekelo ilula:

Hlanganisa izipuni ezimbili zekhofi esheshayo, ushukela namanzi ashisayo. Bese usebenzisa i -mixer yesandla noma i-frother ukuze udale lokho kugcotshwa okunokhilimu obisini olukhethile. Gcoba ingxube yakho enegwebu obisini - eqhwa noma kushisa - futhi voila, unekhofi eliphehliwe!

Umthombo: https://www.simplemost.com/how-to-make-whipped-coffee-dalgona-trend/?partner=buffer_SM&utm_campaign=buffer_SM&utm_medium=new&utm_source=facebookSM

Joyina Incwadi Yethu Yamaresiphi


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